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The oxidation process spoils most food, especially those with a high fat content. Fats quickly turn rancid when exposed to oxygen. Antioxidants prevent or inhibit the oxidation process. Different kinds of Food Antioxidant act in a different ways but the end result is to delay or minimize the process of oxidation in food. Some Food Antioxidant additives combine with oxygen to prevent oxidation and other prevent the oxygen from reacting with the food leading to its spoilage.

Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ)

Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone is a synthetic food grade anti-oxidant, used to stabilize foods, fats and vegetable oils against oxidative deterioration and thus extending their storage life. TBHQ inhibits an outstanding stabilizing effect in unsaturated fats particularly in Poly-unsaturated vegetable oils and inedible animal fats. TBHQ -can also be advantageous in essential oils, nuts, buffer fat and food packaging material. Thus, TBHQ provides a healthier and most favored option for preserving food products.

Application: It can be used in Food Additives, Animal Feeds, Antioxidant, Emulsifiers, Edible Oils, Stabilizer

  • Molecular weight : 166.21
  • Chemical formula :C10 H14 O2
  • CAS No. : [ 1948-33-0]
  • Assay : 99.00% Min.
  • Insolubility : Water at 25º C Benzene at
    25º C

Hydroquinone Dimethyl Ether (HQDME)

Hydroquinone Dimethyl Ether is an organic compound with the formula C6H4(OCH3)2. It is one of three isomers of dimethoxybenzene. It is a white solid with an intensely sweet floral odor.

Application: Hydroquinone Dimethyl Ether is an intermediate in synthesis of organic compounds and can be used also on soap & perfumes.

  • Molecular weight : 138.17
  • Empirical formula :C8 H10 O2
  • CAS No. : [ 150-78-7]
  • Melting Point : 56º C - 58º C
  • Assay : 99.00%
  • Solubility : Benzene/Ether
  • Appearance: Whitish Pink Molten Solid

Di-Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone (DTBHQ)

Di-Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone is superior in anti-oxygenation properties with excellent light stabilization. It can be easily decentralized in polymers with no impact on sulfurization. The anti-oxygenation and anti-aging functions are equivalent to or better than the commonly used industrial antioxidants. It can be used as light-stabilizer in coatings, paintings, etc.

Application: As Polymerization inhibitor, Rubber industry, Adhesive, Packaging, Photography, Ink

  • Empirical formula : [(CH3)3C]2C6H2-1, 4-(OH)2
  • CAS No. : [ 88-58-4]
  • Assay : 98.00%
  • Appearance: Off white Crystalline Powder